Quest - a 3d map editor

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Latest stable version:
 Quest v2.4

Alexander Malmberg <>

SourceForge Logo

This is Quest's documentation section. Hopefully all your questions about using Quest and making maps will be answered here.

If you're new to Quest, the best place to start will probably be the tutorials section, once we've written the tutorials. For now, there's a simple tutorial in the Quest manual that should help you get started with Quest.

If you're looking for details on some function in Quest, or want detailed information about how things work, you should try the manual.

If you can't find the information you're looking for here, you could try sending your question to the Quest users' mailing list. Before, you send it, you should look in the FAQ to see if there's an answer there.

There are also lots of resources about map editing at other sites. The links section has links to other map-editing related sites.

If you want to help write documentation (tutorials to get people started with Quest would be really nice, as would tutorials on using different functions in Quest), just send me an e-mail. Any help is greatly appreciated.